Pyrolysis materials and nutrient recovery from unexploited biomass

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Expertise Short Title
Pyrolysis materials and nutrient recovery from unexploited biomass
Expertise offered

Zero emission pyrolysis processing, carbon refinery, formulation of output product materials and nutrient recovery from unexploited biomass

Expertise key words
  • F4 Biomass


Name: Edward Someus
Company: 3R-BioPhosphate Ltd.
Type of Organisation: Industry
Country: Hungary
Telephone: +36202017557

Brief description of my Organisation

The 3R-BioPhosphate Ltd. (since 1989) is a technology intensive deep-tech company, playing international leading role in the RTD, engineering and full industrialization of the zero emission pyrolysis technology and its bio-products. The company is specialized for BioPhosphate recovery and high quality biochar processing, phosphorus recovery and high added value utilization of un-exploited biomass resources.

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